
Code of Conduct

Students and staff are expected to exhibit a commitment to learning and to achieving success. We believe that most students behave appropriately and that the ultimate goal underlying our policy and practice is to help students develop self-discipline. Attributes of appropriate behaviour include but are not limited to:

  • respect for self and others
  • empathy
  • cooperation
  • courtesy
  • responsibility
  • honesty

Parents/guardians are expected to support the expectations of the that states parents will cooperate fully with the child’s teachers and other employees of the school division or school district to ensure the child complies with school and school division or school district student discipline and behaviour management policies.

Adults in the learning environment can effectively support students’ ability to meet behavioural expectations with the following behaviours:

  • Model respect for people in positional authority, and the school.
  • Establish and publicize school routines.
  • Define and publicize expectations for student behaviour.
  • Model respect for the school’s expectations for behaviour.
  • Provide safe, productive learning environments characterized by an atmosphere of respect and courtesy.
  • Model and promote cooperation and mutual respect among and with students, staff, and parents.
  • Develop collaborative processes to establish school/classroom rules and expectations.
  • Model respect for school and divisional policies and implement required policy responses.
  • Respect the findings of current educational research, as related to behavioural management.