
Enrolment and Diversity Data Discovery Dashboard

The Louis Riel School Division's (LRSD) Data Discovery Dashboards allow the public to interact with divisional data. The public-facing web-based tool attempts to make data accessible and understandable to everyone in the LRSD community.

The Enrolment and Diversity Data Dashboard was created by LRSD using Power BI, an analytics application by Microsoft that allows users to create an easy-to-navigate visual display of data. By clicking through the various pages of the report, individuals can explore enrolment and diversity data based on school, gender, student's first language, and more. 

The Student Registration Form collects data on identity through self-declaration. Currently, 41 per cent of our students are yet to declare their cultural identities. The division has completed an update to the registration form and launched the Who Are We? campaign to encourage families to self-declare their children's identities as part of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Initiative. This will help us become more culturally responsive to the needs of students and continue building an equitable and inclusive community.  


Click through the data to view enrolment by grade, school, gender, self-declared Indigenous status, cultural identity and student's first language.  

Discover the variety of Indigenous backgrounds, cultural identities and languages spoken by the students in the Louis Riel School Division.  

View the enrolment trends and variance from the past seven years divisionally and by school. Click the bookmarks at the top of the page to view enrolment trends for students who self-declare as Indigenous and those whose first language was not English. 

In the spring of 2021, LRSD launched the first Data Discovery Dashboard focused on students' academic achievement. The Student Achievement Data Dashboard illuminates the influence of socio-economic status and the division's Greatest Areas of Need.