
4.1 Safe, Modern, & Accessible Spaces

Welcome to the Louis Riel School Division’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan (Â鶹ҕƵ) 2023-27 action pages. For each strategic action, we are diligently taking steps to achieve our goals. Together, these goals strive to create the best possible educational environment for students, staff, and community. On these pages, you will find answers to two key questions: What have we done so far? And where do we plan to be by 2027?


What have we done so far?

  • The LRSD Annual School Building Review Dashboard provides a comprehensive collection of data relating to the condition of and demands upon buildings within the school division.

Where do we plan to be by 2027?

  • LRSD 2034 provides an infrastructure plan for growth, maintenance, and modernization of schools in the Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) from 2024 to 2034. It will be reviewed annually in December.
  • LRSD has created an Accessibility Plan to guide our work in making our school spaces equitable for all.