
Community Use of School Facilities

Louis Riel School Division's commitment to the community supports the use of divisional facilities for educational, recreational, social and cultural programming.

Residents of the Division can request a permit for after-hours use of school facilities, provided there is no conflict with school programming. Full details regarding policies, guidelines and procedures can be found in our policy manual.

Please completeto request the use of a school facility. 

Permit holders must obtain personal liability insurance as the Louis Riel School Division's insurance coverage is limited to building and property insurance.

Prioritization of Permit Approval

  1. School events/Divisional events. School programs have priority of use of all school facilities unless otherwise defined by joint use agreement with the City of Winnipeg.
  2. City of Winnipeg events involving children and youth programming (at active Joint-Use sites only).
  3. Registered non-profit community groups involving children who reside in the Louis Riel School Division and associated with a local community centre.
  4. All other City of Winnipeg events (adult program). 
  5. Special interest groups; registered public and athletic organizations (faith-based groups, sport associations, private clubs, businesses, etc.)

*School administrators will be consulted when multiple requests have been received for the same space.

Important Deadlines

All LRSD schools must submit their permit request for the upcoming school year before the last day of school. Priority Group 2 and 3 listed under section “Prioritization of Permit Approval” must submit their permit requests before August 15 of any given year. All other external permit requests will be accepted after August 15 of any given year. 

All external group permits will not be allowed to begin prior to the third week of September. 

Schools may pre-empt all permits for use of school facilities for emergent school needs upon seven (7) days’ notice to the Facilities Department.

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