
Alumni Association

The Tache/Norwood/Nelson McIntyre Alumni Association was formed in 1974 to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Nelson McIntyre Collegiate, formerly known as Tache High School and Norwood Collegiate. Since then, three additional reunions were held—the 75th Anniversary in 1989, the 90th in 2004, and the 100th in 2014.

Alumni Challenge

Since 1975, the Alumni Association has presented an award to a Nelson McIntyre Collegiate graduate who has contributed to their school community while maintaining a good scholastic average. The Association would like to continue this tradition, but needs your help. Any amount you wish to donate would be gratefully accepted, and all contributions will be deposited into a special fund for the Alumni Award (Charity Registration #0832204-21). Tax receipts are available upon request. Contributions should be forwarded to:

T/N/NMC Alumni Association, Alumni Award
70 Woodchester Bay
Winnipeg, MB R3R 3E6

NOTE: Donations to establish a personal bursary or scholarship are also welcome.

Christine Ward
President, T/N/NMC Alumni Association

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