Twenty-eight Days of Kindness at ÉJR
With all the upcoming celebrations and holidays, it is fitting that we focus on acts of kindness! Our teacher librarian Mme Kathleen Witkowicz, organized a special lesson and activities in several 2-3 classrooms to discuss what kindness is, what it looks like, and how we feel when someone is kind to us. The students thought of an act of kindness and wrote it on a puzzle piece. Each student also made a crown with the title “C’EST COOL D’ÊTRE GENTIL/GENTILLE” that they decorated and wore with pride. The puzzle pieces were assembled and are on display in the library. For the past few weeks, the students have been working on accomplishing 28 acts of kindness (indicated on the heart shape) at home and at school. The world needs more kindness, and our students are leading the way!
Happy Holidays to everyone!
From the students and staff at ÉJR