
Code of Conduct

Behaviour Code

Respect for Self

As a student at Collège Jeanne-Sauvé, you will be treated with dignity and respect. As you strive for success in all the areas of your student life, remember that the respect you have for yourself shows in your commitment to behaving responsibly, speaking courteously, dressing appropriately, and working diligently.

Respect for Others

You share this school with many other people. You are expected to help it function effectively by treating both your fellow students and all staff members with courtesy and respect through the display of a positive attitude and the use of language that is always appropriate. Meeting these expectations will help you achieve your goals.

Respect for Rules and Policies

As a student at CJS, you have the right to a positive learning environment so that you can achieve your educational goals. Rules and policies have been developed by the school and the trustees of the school division to ensure that the learning climate gives each student such opportunities.

You are expected to respect school rules and divisional policies. In doing so, you are showing respect for your rights and the rights of your fellow students to learn in an atmosphere which is positive and orderly.

Respect for Property

Please treat the building and its contents with care so that those who follow you will enjoy the same quality of opportunity as you do now. It is your responsibility to care for and return all learning materials which are loaned to you by the school. You are also expected to show consideration for others by ensuring that the building and the grounds remain clean and tidy.

Classroom Responsibilities

At Collège Jeanne Sauvé, students and teachers work together and alongside each other to maximize the learning experience. You’ll find that the greatest level of success will come when you arrive on time, attend your classes regularly, and show engagement in the learning opportunities with which you are presented. Learning is an active process comprised of strong study habits and positive behavior. By being an active participant in your learning experience at CJS, you will be in a great position to achieve your academic goals.

Out-of-Class Responsibilities

Your out-of-class behavior should also reflect your classroom expectations. Whether you are enjoying free time, are on a field trip or on a tour, doing a research project, or participating in an athletic event, you are a representative of Collège Jeanne-Sauvé, and your behavior should always bring credit to yourself and to the school.

Use of Free Time

You are expected to use your free time constructively and, in a way, that ensures that you do not impede others from achieving their goals. The library is available for homework and study. A quiet atmosphere for study or individual work is required in the school library. Out of consideration for classes in progress, students at CJS must conduct themselves in a respectful manner during their free time.

Personal Belongings

Unfortunately, each year we experience a certain number of thefts at CJS. Theft at our school is primarily a crime of opportunity: a purse left unattended in the change room, a backpack left in a hallway, or a binder left in the cafeteria. Many students own cell phones, laptops, iPods, etc. We do not assume any responsibility should they become lost or stolen. Students are encouraged to not leave valuables in any unsecured location.


CJS provides lockers for the convenience of students. Students are also provided a combination lock and receive their combination once they have assumed responsibility for the condition of the locker and for its contents. At the end of the school year, students must return their assigned combination lock to the office. Failure to do so will result in a $15.00 fee that will be charged to the student account. We recommend that you not keep valuables and money in your locker. School lockers may be subject to inspection.

Code of Conduct

We believe that…

Effective teaching and learning occurs best in a positive school climate where students behave appropriately. Respect and responsibility are the foundation of proper conduct.

Teachers and other adults have an ongoing responsibility to prepare students for their role as citizens and to model these attributes in their daily interactions with students. Students and staff need to Â鶹ҕƵ the importance of respect for themselves, others, and property.

Students must:

  • behave responsibly.
  • be respectful to self and others.
  • show concern for and tolerance of others.

Our goal is for students to achieve self-discipline. Our expectations revolve around two beliefs. These powerful words guide a standard of behavior at our school.

Respect and Responsibility

Students are expected to:

  • Â鶹ҕƵ respect for the rights, roles and responsibilities of other students and staff.
  • Â鶹ҕƵ respect for the school and the property of others.
  • adhere to school policies respecting appropriate use of electronic mail and the internet, including the prohibition of materials that the school has determined to be objectionable.
  • attend school regularly.
  • arrive at school on time.
  • follow guidelines for appropriate school attire.
  • ensure that all assignments and tests Â鶹ҕƵ academic honesty.

School staff play a critical role by modeling respect for and support of the above expectations.

Staff will intervene when students:

  • use profanity (including language and/or gestures).
  • are disrespectful.
  • do not maintain academic integrity – plagiarism, cheating, etc.
  • utter threats.
  • are disruptive and interfere with the learning of others.

Students are referred to the administration when the following occurs:

  • fighting and/or assault on an employee or another student
  • threats to staff members and/or other students
  • weapons on the school grounds (including school buses and bus stops) 
  • serious damage to property – this includes fires that are set on school property.
  • chronic behavior problems
  • stealing 
  • smoking/vaping on school property
  • leaving class or school without permission
  • plagiarism or cheating

As outlined by the Manitoba Public Schools Act, the following actions are unacceptable and will result in immediate referral to the administration:

  • bullying, or abusing physically, sexually or psychologically (orally, in writing or otherwise) any person
  • discriminating unreasonably based on any characteristic set out of subsection 9(2) of The Human Rights Code
  • using, possessing or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs at school

The following will not be tolerated on school site and will result in immediate referral to the administration:

  • possessing a weapon, as “weapon” is defined in Section 2 of the Criminal Code (Canada)

Interventions, including disciplinary consequences for violating the Code of Conduct, in all situations are intended to preserve the dignity and self-worth of all involved in the disciplinary action. 

Interventions/consequences may include: counselling, formal conference, temporary withdrawal from the classroom, removal of privileges, detention, restitution, clinician referral, performance contract, police involvement, out-of-school suspension.

Policies and Procedures

Academic Responsibility

Students at CJS are responsible for their own academic success. However, students can also expect help and guidance from their classroom teachers. Teachers are responsible for ensuring that due dates for assignments are clearly established and that students are informed of these dates in advance.

  • When exceptional circumstances arise, a student can approach a teacher to negotiate an alternate due date for an assignment.
  • If the established due date is not respected, the student may:
    • Be required to stay after school hours to complete the assignment in question.
    • Lose the privilege of their spare (s) until the assignment is submitted.
    • Lose the privilege of participating in extra-curricular activities until the assignment is submitted.
    • Be required to spend their class time in the office until the assignment is submitted if it is more than a week overdue.

Academic Integrity

All students at CJS are encouraged to learn and work with others. Academic integrity implies that students represent only what they have created as original work. Anything less is deemed plagiarism.

Plagiarism is defined as quoting directly from another source (such as the internet, book, magazine, or essay) and not documenting the quotations, using or submitting someone else`s work and claiming it as original work, submitting work for a class which has already been submitted for another class, or knowingly giving someone else an assignment to copy and hand in as their own. 

Another form of academic dishonesty is the use of automated translators such as Google Translator. Students should write their French assignments in French and their Spanish assignments in Spanish. They should not write in English and then have their computer translate their texts into the target language. Such dishonesty prevents the students from developing their language skills and no language can be readily translated word-for-word into another language.

Submitting written work produced by generative artificial intelligence (genAI) to be evaluated as the student`s original work is another form of academic dishonesty. An example of this is using a generator such as ChatGPT to complete an assignment. As a division, conversations are ongoing about the use and application of AI technologies. These technologies can impede teachers` ability to accurately assess skills and understanding and provide constructive feedback for next steps in the student`s learning.

When a teacher determines that an assignment has been plagiarized, that an automated translator or that a genAI tool has been used, the student will not receive a grade for the work. The student will be required to redo the assignment under the direct supervision of the teacher or another adult approved by the teacher.