
Career Development Thrives in LRSD

All students in the Louis Riel School Division (LRSD) engage in robust academic study and applied skills development. LRSD offers career development opportunities for students throughout their journey in the division. The LRSD's Multi-Year Strategic Plan (Â鶹ҕƵ) directly targets career development as a key priority.

The provincial government's strategy cites "" as one of its four pillars for student success. While all schools offer niche career programming initiatives for small groups of students, the following are key tenets of LRSD's career development strategy:

LRSD's career online management program is a foundational tool for students in grades 7 to 12 to navigate personal self-awareness, labour market information, occupations and skills, post-secondary institutions, and career pathing possibilities.

This year, students:

  • Logged on to myBlueprint approximately 20,000 times
  • Completed nearly 13,000 'Who Am I' surveys
  • Revised résumés more than 10,000 times
  • Favorited 2,400 occupations
  • Wrote almost 6,000 career reflections

highlights important program usage among students. Parents can also  on myBlueprint.

The LRSD Skills Credential program is unique partnership between LRSD and RBC Future Launch. Since 2019over 200 grade 11 and 12 students from seven high schools have earned special recognitions at graduations ceremonies by completing a June presentation using the , a tool that highlights skills development, personal self-awareness, and future planning for life after high school. Well-being and well-becoming are the cornerstones of the program. This year, 82 students earned the distinction with another 120 in the pipeline for next year.

During the 2020-2021 school year, LRSD's continuing elementary school partnership with Career Trek showed exponential growth. Forced to replace its typical in-person programming to a virtual platform due to the pandemic, Career Trek ended up connecting with the most students in the partnerships' history this year. The program saw a massive 510% increase in the number of elementary students who participated. The program moved into eight schools, 17 classrooms and connected with 366 students.

Elementary classrooms not participating in Career Trek continue to build the foundation skills of career development – self-awareness, self-efficacy, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving – as students develop a sense of well-being on the path to well-becoming.

Louis Riel Arts and Technology Centre (LRATC)

LRATC offers students a chance to augment academic training at their home school with applied learning and apprenticeship training. In June, 192 students graduated with an ATC certificate, 76 of whom also earned their first-year apprenticeship. Enrolment at ATC's 13 programs next year will top 300 students, with limited space available.

This podcast, created in the LRATC Broadcast Media Program, shares the story of many LRSD grads who share their career decisions and what influenced their choices. The podcast is used as a tool in career development and life works classes as inspiration for students in high school making career decisions and how they impact their lives, now and in the future.